Simply Hair Chelmsford | Models Required | Recommend a Friend | Hair Salon
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We are looking for models to help our apprentices and stylists grow. They are continuously trying to improve their knowledge and skills so that they can carry on being the most professional stylists they can be!


If you would like to help us by becoming a model for Colour, Cuts, Blowdrys, Hair up, or Extensions. Please click on the link below and fill out the form and we will pop you on our waiting list.


Appointments will take longer than usual as our staff will be training. Please be patient we will email you to let you know when we can fit you in for a consultation.


Thank you



Blowdrys and cuts are free. Colours and chemical services require a 50% charge. If you need to cancel please cancel 48hrs before your appointment so that we can fill the space. Model days are weekly Thursday’s and Friday’s 10-2. Colour models require a skin test at least 48hrs before appointment.

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